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- Ubuntu 12.04 Review Roundup
Editors Note: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS, The Precise Pangolin is officially available today and we've had no shortage of Linux Today readers contributing links (Thanks! and keep 'em coming) about it.
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Переслать - A RAW Feast on the Linux Darktable (Photo Editor ) The Darktable RAW photo editor, light table and workflow manager takes a different approach to photo editing and management. The interface takes some getting used to; is it worth the learning curve?
Переслать - Ubuntu 12.04 (Precise Pangolin) released!
Ubuntu: The Ubuntu team is very pleased to announce the release of Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Long-Term Support) for Desktop, Server, Cloud, and Core products.
Переслать - Gameplay 1.2, open source game development framework, released
LinuxBSDos: Gameplay 1.2, a cross-platform, C++ game framework designed for learning and writing mobile and desktop games, has been released
Переслать - 60+ Practical find commands examples with explanation
Linux Juggernaut: find command is very much powerful command which can do good work when its needed to find files with conditions.
Переслать - The 16 Linux Shell Commands Every Desktop Linux User Should Know
HPIO: True, you don't need to know Linux shell commands these days; you can get along just fine with a GUI interface. But the command-line tools can still come in darned handy sometimes. Here's the commands with which Linux desktop users should be most familiar, and guidelines about when to use them.
Переслать - IBM pushes new integrated, lower-cost Linux servers
ITWorld: IBM announced new "affordable" Linux servers on Wednesday as the company tries to push its new category of preconfigured servers for virtualization and big data to midmarket and enterprise customers.
Переслать - Scientific Linux 5.8 Is Based on RHEL 5.8
Softpedia: Scientific Linux 5.8 is now based on the code from Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.8 and it brings upstream features, as well as internal changes and improvements.
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