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- Will Google Glasses will be the Greatest Linux Device Ever?
InternetNews: From the 'When Humans Dream of Electric Sheep' files:Переслать - Make Sure Unix / Linux Configuration Files Are Free From Syntax Errors
nixCraft: "In this article I will explains howto find out a syntax error for popular servers and test configuration file for syntax errors."Переслать - High-Availability Replicated Storage With GlusterFS 3.2.x On Ubuntu 11.10
HowtoForge: "This tutorial shows how to set up a high-availability storage with two storage servers (Ubuntu 11.10) that use GlusterFS."Переслать - Google Patches Chrome 18 for Flash Flaws
eSecurityPlanet: Latest browser update includes a Flash fix that no other platform will receive.Переслать - Webopedia Term of the Day: What is Easter Egg?
Webopedia: "A secret message or screen buried in an application. Typically, easter eggs are used to display the credits for the development team or to display a humorous message."Переслать - How One Non-Profit Aims to Create Open-Source Government
Mashable: "As a non-partisan, non-profit organization, the Sunlight Foundation is taking the ethos found among the open-source software movement and applying it to government."Переслать - OpenStack Essex Delivers Cloud Dashboard
ServerWatch: The Essex release has a strong focus on cloud stability as a result of a release cycle change.Переслать - Whither the GPL? Why we don't need it anymore
Red Monk: The GPL enforced good behavior, accompanied by bureaucracyПереслать - Linux Top 3: A Billion Dollar Reason Why Linux Works
LinuxPlanet: Money is not what makes the Linux Planet go around, but it sure doesn't hurtПереслать - Why the Juju Charm Store Will Change the Way You Use Ubuntu Server
Jorge's Stompbox: Today the juju charm store landed and it will monumentally change the way you use Ubuntu Server in 12.04.Переслать - How Linux Talks to the Internet of Things: A Look at IEEE 802.15.4 802.15.4 is a specification from the IEEE's 802.15 working group, which tackles wireless "personal area" networks, or WPANs.Переслать - HowTo: Find Uptime and System Load in Linux
About Linux: There is a simple command in Linux that tells you how long your system has been running. The name of the command is uptime.Переслать - The State of Linux Wireless. Is it better yet?
InternetNews: For a number of years, many Linux users (myself included) struggled with Wireless on Linux.Переслать - Install Jitsi 1.0 in Debian, Linux Mint and Ubuntu "Where other VoIP services and clients send data in the clear, Jitsi sets itself apart by making use of ZRTP to set up secure communication with SRTP, Secure Real-time Transport Protocol."Переслать - Open-source data mapping tool CartoDB provides customizable views
IT World: "Developers can import and merge data sets in various formats, including .csv and KML, and layer them over a map from Google, Bing or OpenStreetMap."Переслать
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