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- Open Source Initiative affiliates announced at FOSDEM
The H Open: "The affiliates, announced during Phipps' presentation at FOSDEM in Brussels, are the Apache Software Foundation, Creative Commons, Drupal, the Eclipse Foundation, FreeBSD, Joomla (via Open Source Matters), KDE, the Linux Foundation, the Mozilla Foundation, Plone, Sahana and Wikiotics."Переслать - Installing Webuzo Wordpress Stack
HowtoForge: "Webuzo Wordpress Stack is a free-quick-install package that allows bundling of all software (dependency) necessary to run Wordpress for development or production purposes."Переслать - Apache releases Commons Validator-1.4.0, Commons Configuration 1.8 and Hive version 0.8.1
Get Home by 6pm: "Three more additions from the Apache family this week."Переслать - Linux kernel 3.2.4 Is Available for Download
Softpedia: "Greg Kroah-Hartman announced that the third and fourth maintenance releases of the stable Linux kernel 3.2 are available for download."Переслать - Webopedia Term of the Day: what is Jelly Bean?
Webopedia: "Jelly Bean is the anticipated dessert-themed Android codename for an upcoming version 5.0 update of the open source Android mobile operating system."Переслать - XFS: the filesystem of the future?
LWN: Linux has a lot of filesystems, but two of them (ext4 and btrfs) tend to get most of the attention.Переслать - Understanding the /bin, /sbin, /usr/bin, /usr/sbin Split
OSnews: If you've used UNIX or any of its derivatives, you've probably wondered why there's /bin, /sbin, /usr/bin, /usr/sbin in the file system.Переслать - HP Opens Up Its Switches to OpenFlow
EnterpriseNetworkingPlanet: HP is taking the bold step of being the first major vendor to offer full commercial support for open source OpenFlow software defined networking technology.Переслать - How to Use Facebook through the Command Line
UbuntuManual: A majority of Linux users prefer sticking to their terminal rather than accessing through a GUI for most of their daily tasks.Переслать - Linux 3.3 Will Let You Boot Into Android: Greg-KH
Muktware: The 3.3 kernel release will let you boot an Android userspace with no modifications, but not very good power management.Переслать
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