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- Kernel Log: Coming in 3.3 (Part 1) - Networking
The H Open: Version 3.3 of the Linux kernel offers another way to team multiple Ethernet devices.Переслать - Btrfs To Go Production-Ready In Oracle Linux
Phoronix: Btrfs, the quite promising next-generation Linux file-system that's been in-development for years by Chris Mason and others, is about to take on a big role within Oracle's Enterprise Linux distribution.Переслать - Canonical HUD Brings Apps to Life on Ubuntu Linux Desktop
EnterpriseAppsToday: Ubunutu's desktop lead explains why HUD will succeed where Mozilla Ubiquity failed.Переслать - People Behind Debian: Josselin Mouette, founder of the Debian GNOME team
apt-get-install-debian: Josselin Mouette is one the leaders of the pkg-gnome team, he takes sound technical decisions and doesn't fear writing code to work-around upstream issues.Переслать - Tech Comics: "One Day They Will Yell Back"
Datamation:If a piece of software frustrates you, did you attempt to communicate with it?Переслать - The Grand /usr-fication of Linux
ITWorld: The Fedora Project is currently mounting a concerted effort to merge Linux filesystem directories into a more organized structure, an effort known as /usr merge.Переслать - Red Hat Taking Gluster from Open Core to Open Source
InfoStor:Red Hat wants to return the Gluster filesystem to its open source roots.Переслать - Katherine Noyes: I'm a Linux fan, and I enjoy helping to bring Linux to the forefront
DarkDuck: "If you have enjoyed two interviews I made with women in Linux world before, I am sure you will love this one too."Переслать - Be lazy, be fast
ComputerWorld UK: "What defines a well-run open source project? There are a number of important attributes to look for."Переслать - Oracle proposal would create single committee to oversee Java specs
IT World: "If a new proposal by Oracle is accepted, oversight of Java technical standards will fall under the auspices of a single committee, rather than the current system, which has separate entities for Java EE/SE and ME."Переслать - Linux Mint 13 gets back to desktop basics
IT World: "Bucking the trend of increasingly experimental desktop interfaces, the developers behind the Linux Mint are adopting a simpler desktop for the next version of the open-source Linux distribution."Переслать - Microsoft seeking open-source expert to help put Linux on Azure
All About Microsoft: "Microsoft is moving steadily ahead with its plan to enable Linux to run on its Windows Azure cloud platform."Переслать - Gentoo-based Toorox Releases 01.2012 GNOME Edition
OSTATIC: "Toorox is a Gentoo-based binary distribution that installs additional software and updates from source."Переслать - Basic Backup Script in BASH
Linux Forums: "Everyone should be backing up their data."Переслать - The Latest Ubuntu Interface: We Don't Need No Stinkin' Menus!
OSTATIC: "Canonical's Mark Shuttleworth is getting a lot of notice for a blog post he has up, that defends the Heads-Up Display (HUD) interface that the upcoming version 12.04 LTS version of Ubuntu will feature."Переслать
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