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- Weekend Project: Set Up a Personal Wiki on Linux with TiddlyWiki "Want to use a wiki to store your notes, thoughts, recipes, or just the best Charlie Sheen quotes you've heard today? Try setting up a personal wiki, like TiddlyWiki."Переслать - Back up Email with a Single Command
Linux Pro Magazine: "The Web is awash with tutorials on how to back up your email. Strangely, none of them covers probably the easiest and most efficient email backup system based on the excellent IMAP Grab utility."Переслать - IPv6 on home routers and DSL/cable modems: FAIL
Network World: "When it comes to IPv6 support, consumer home networking gear lags far behind other devices, like enterprise equipment and PC operating systems. Most devices certified as IPv6-compliant by the IPv6 Forum are full of implementation bugs, experts say."Переслать - Do Royalty-Free Standards �Stifle Innovation?�
Standards Blog: "As I noted last week, the British government recently came out strongly in favor of royalty free standards and active consideration of open source software in public procurement. As expected, this decision was greeted with less than universal enthusiasm. "Переслать - LinuxPR: Solve shell scripting problems using Packt's new Linux Shell Scripting book
LinuxPR: Solve real-world shell scripting problems with over 110 simple but incredibly effective recipesПереслать - Debian wins two of seven categories at the Linux New Media Awards 2011
Debian: "He particularly emphasized Debian's dedication to software freedom saying: "In Debian, quality is the focus of everyone's attention. But those who work on the Debian system know that great software is worth nothing without Freedom."Переслать - Judge Lets Sony Unmask Visitors to PS3-Jailbreaking Site
Wired: "A federal magistrate is granting Sony the right to acquire the internet IP addresses of anybody who has visited PlayStation 3 hacker George Hotz's website from January of 2009 to the present."Переслать | отписаться: управление подпиской: |
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