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- Virtio install Windows 7 KVM (x64/x86) on Ubuntu 10.04.1 Server via DNJL PPA
Xen Virtualization on Linux and Solaris: "First of all setup DNJL PPA to upgrade KVM/QEMU up to Qemu 0.12.5 & Libvirt 0.8.3 on Ubuntu Lucid Server and download the most recent Fedora virtio-win drivers from as floppy and ISO image."Переслать - Weekend Project: Getting Organized with Emacs Org-Mode "Fancy planners and complicated systems may be more trouble than they're worth when trying to get organized. But Linux users have a secret weapon for getting organized that's as simple as writing a text file: Org-Mode for GNU Emacs"Переслать - Hacking, Old-School
Linux Journal: "When you mention hacking in the general public, the image most people think of is a nerdy guy breaking into a computer system from his bedroom."Переслать - Speeding up the internet with pdnsd and squid "Living, as I do, in rural France, I suffer from rather slow internet connectivity. My normal line speed is only 512Kbs and sometimes I struggle to achieve even this."Переслать - 3 Command line tool to test bandwidth between 2 servers
Linuxaria: "But how do you accurately measure the speed between two servers?"Переслать | отписаться: управление подпиской: |
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