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- A look at LinuxConsole 1.0.2010
Distrowatch: "The LinuxConsole distribution was my dark horse of 2009. It was a small, French Linux distro which managed to be compact, fast and included an interesting approach to software management."Переслать - Microsoft: Novell is toast and the patent Juggernaut rolls on
Free Software Magazine: "The end of 2010 has been interesting. Mass defections from Oracle's OpenOffice team and the software is ported as LibreOffice. Then Mark Shuttleworth announces that Wayland is in, Xorg is out and Unity will be the next Ubuntu desktop."Переслать - Book review: Linux Kernel Development, third edition "It has been well over five years since LWN reviewed the second edition of Robert Love's Linux Kernel Development. Needless to say, things have changed a little since the 2.6.10 release covered by that edition."Переслать - The Big Presentation: The Familiar, the Frustrating and the Flashy
LinuxInsider: "The world of Linux includes several options for users who need to create slide presentations in the style of Microsoft PowerPoint.'s Impress does a great job of mimicking most of PowerPoint's functions, giving Redmond refugees a familiar tool."Переслать - Allen v. World and Dog - First Amended Complaint
Groklaw: "Paul Allen's Interval Licensing has met the deadline to file an amended complaint [PDF] with specificity. If you can read it without passing out laughing and/or having your head explode with disgust, I'd like to know what happened to you as a child that blunted your normal emotions"Переслать - Behind the KOffice split "On December 6th the KDE Project announced the Calligra Project, which was called a "continuation of the KOffice project." Others, though, might call it a fork or a split between the bulk of the KOffice developers and KWord developer Thomas Zander."Переслать - Coding styles comparison in the Open Source Software world
Balau: "While looking for existing C coding standards I discovered that the GNU and Linux projects officially suggest very different styles. Inside the Linux kernel documentation, Linus Torvalds goes so far as to mock GNU coding standards:"Переслать - 10 Server Predictions for '11
Serverwatch: "These 10 predictions for 2011 will have you watching the latest developments from the big hardware manufacturers. Sure, some are wishful thinking, but others are clearly within reach for a 2011 delivery time frame."Переслать - 21 More Notable Free Linux Games (Part 3 of 3)
LinuxLinks: "This article is the third and final part in this series. If you missed the first two parts, they are available to read here: Part 1, Part 2. We have again tried to cover a wide range of game genres. Hopefully there will be something in this article which will be of interest to any type of gamer."Переслать - Apologies about the Slackware Review
Das U-blog: "A couple days ago, I reviewed Slackware 13.1. I wanted to see if I could use it post-installation, though from what I had read from commenters and writers on various blogs, it would be tough. At the end, it did prove to be as tough (and for me, fruitless)"Переслать - The Right's war on Net Neutrality
Daily Kos: "No one, other than the big telcos, seems to be particularly happy with the FCC's Net Neutrality rules, as Chris documented earlier. But it's important to be clear about what it is exactly the Right is doing on this one. It's death panels all over again."Переслать - DesktopNova Background Changer For Gnome & Xfce Desktop Environments
LinuxNov: "DesktopNova helps you to auto change backgrounds after an adjustable time from multiple files and folders you can add it to different profiles."Переслать - Ex-Red Hat CEO Szulik sues over $60M loss
Triangle Business Journal: "Former Red Hat CEO Matthew Szulik, his wife, father and other family members have filed a federal suit against a St. Thomas-based investment advisory firm, claiming the family lost $60 million in high risk and illiquid investments they did not approve."Переслать - Dependency-confessions of a slacker
Linux Beginner: ""Recently there has been a thread at the Slackware-forum (at about the occupation of Slackware-users. It was expected there would be a great deal of IT-workers amongst them. But instead, the answers showed that there were all kinds of professions. It's not a uniform community"Переслать - Top 10 Storage Predictions for 2011 (and Beyond)
Enterprise Storage Forum: "It is another year and another try at predicting the future in our complex storage industry. The year in review for 2010 can be summarized in two words -- stagnation and consolidation"Переслать
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