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- Six Key Answers to Copyright Bill Questions
The Tyee: "Separating fact from fiction will not be easy, but getting straight answers to the following questions will be crucial: "Переслать - Virtualization With KVM On Ubuntu 10.10
Howtoforge: "This guide explains how you can install and use KVM for creating and running virtual machines on an Ubuntu 10.10 server. I will show how to create image-based virtual machines and also virtual machines that use a logical volume (LVM)"Переслать - Cool News: Now Your Fridge Can Run Linux
CultofMac: "The range of devices running Linux grows every day. Now you can add one more to the list: Electrolux (Frigidaire) in Brazil has just announced the Infinity i-kitchen, a smart appliance running Linux"Переслать - Raiders of the lost OpenBSD
Distrowatch: "A few people asked if I would do a review of the latest release of OpenBSD (version 4.8) and it is with some reluctance that I approached the task. It's not that I have anything against OpenBSD or the developers behind the project, it's the nature of the review."Переслать - How to compile a Ubuntu 10.10 kernel with sched: automated per tty task groups kernel patch
My Thoughts: "Lately there has been quiet some buzz about the �sched: automated per tty task groups� kernel patch. It's supposed to dramatically improve the desktop interactivity under system strain. You can read a test at Phoronix."Переслать
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