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- Four great pipe menus for Openbox
TechRepublic: Here is why I like Openbox pipe menus, which make the Linux desktop much more efficient for those who do without Gnome or KDE, and four of my favourite ones.Переслать - Top Five Best WordPress Plugins for Business
Wazi: Thanks to a few free WordPress plugins, you can help boost your search engine friendliness, do a better job with web analytics, create better copy, and much more.Переслать - Say What? Top Five IT Quotes of the Week
InternetNews: Dell's open source credibility, Symantec slams a rival, IBM's patents and Linus Torvalds' views on user spaceПереслать - The Future of Storage: Devices and Tiering Software
EnterpriseStorageForum:When you get more than two storage pundits together, the conversation usually turns to the future of storage.Переслать - Joli OS 1.2 Review: Is it the Best Linux Distro Available for Netbooks?
Tech Drive-in: "Joli OS 1.2 is a very interesting project. It is basically an Ubuntu based Linux distro optimized to work in netbooks and other older computer hardware. When you think about it, there is not much choice for netbook users as far as Linux distros are concerned."Переслать - WASP: The Linux-powered flying spy drone that cracks Wi-Fi & GSM netwokrs "This drone is called the Wireless Aerial Surveillance Platform, or WASP. It's an ex-U.S. Army spy drone measuirng over 6-feet in length and wingspan that has been modified to make it more useful for hackers in our built-up, communication-heavy urban environments."Переслать - Say what? GNU Emacs violates the GPL
NetworkWorld: GPL violations are a dime a dozen. Some are intentional, some are not � but I don't think I've ever seen one quite as surprising as this one.Переслать - Line Addressing in sed
Bash Shell: "Line addressing allows you to select the lines that you want to work with. Addressing can use regular expressions to determine the lines or list numbers for the lines in the format of a number."Переслать
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